
Preparing for Your Baby's Arrival

Preparing for Your Baby's Arrival

Photographing Your Newborn

As a parent you think your baby's every smile and giddy giggle is adorable. Learn how to snag these sweet moments with your camera and turn them into memorable photos to show your friends and family.

Congratulations-the big day has finally arrived! Now that you are home with your little bundle of joy, the fun begins. It’s only natural to want to capture every moment of your baby’s wakeful (and sleepy) time. Luckily, with a few helpful tips and a little practice (you’ll get plenty of that), you will be a photo pro in no time.

Get Ready

You probably know by now that your newborn has a short attention span and your baby’s moods can change very quickly. A smiling cuddling babe can quickly turn into a wriggling sour-puss so its best to prepare everything you need before trying to photograph your baby. If you have time, take a quick spin through your camera’s manual. Know how the various settings work and try a few different ones, especially the wide angle and zoom. Also, be sure that your battery is fully charged and your memory card is empty — the last thing you want is to miss out on an amazing shot because the battery conks out.

Once your camera is good to go, be sure your baby is in a cooperative mood. This usually means well-fed and rested. Make sure the room is warm and cozy. Babies chill easily, so minimize drafts and keep blankets as warm as possible. Gather some props to help support your baby, like nursing pillows, blankets and bassinets. Be sure these are soft, baby-friendly items. It’s also helpful to have a second set of hands on board to keep baby safe and get the photos you want.

Get Set

When choosing a spot for your photo shot, try near a bright window for a lot of natural light. Keep the background and props simple. A plain receiving blanket or single colored clothing is best — a lot of patterns or bright colors can distract from your little star. Special props or accessories can add interest, especially if they are meaningful. Find what is special to you, whether it’s a family heirloom toy or a handmade blanket, include these in the photos.


Snap away — the benefits of a digital camera mean you don’t need to wait for the perfect shot. Take many photos and edit through them later. Shoot your photos in color. You can always convert the photos to black and white later with photo tools.

Go with the flow and take the good with the bad. If you have the option on your camera, a wide-angle can be a fun and different way to show off your baby. It will bring a quirky and playful feel to your pictures. A howling baby or a perfect pout could turn out to be a favorite photo. Remember, there's more to your baby than an angelic face. Capture every part, head to toe, and don't be afraid to get really close. It can also be helpful to involve parents or siblings in the photo shoot to show how tiny that precious bundle really is. A newborn hand grasping dad or big sister’s pinky finger can help you remember how little your babe truly was.

Finally, have fun and be patient. “If baby is crying or yawning, don’t worry, just snap away” says Hallmark infant photography specialist Jane Kortright. “These photos can be a fun way to communicate baby’s personality.” Stay in tune with your baby’s personality and always have a camera on hand. The most precious moments happen when you're not expecting them, so keep your camera at the ready. Good luck and get snapping!

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